Easy AAC - Improving Participation for adults with aphasia
Adult patients with aphasia can benefit from the use of a speech generating device! You just have to know where to start. Look no further! This pack is designed to assist therapists, family members, and caregivers with implementing use of AAC through the lens of the Life Participation Approach to Aphasia. Tasks are structured in a way to target all aspects of a robust communication systems: keyboard use, access to core and fringe vocabulary, prestored phrases, and more. You will receive:
The Communication Profile - to aid in customization of the patient’s device.
5 structured therapy tasks targeting self-advocacy and requesting.
A keyboarding workshop to work on spontaneous word generation.
6 structured therapy tasks targeting location and navigation of fringe vocabulary.
6 real world scenarios to practice functional communication (ordering food, doctor’s appointment, etc.)
5 Mad Libs to target generalization of skills and lead to independent navigation.
6 low-tech communication boards.
A list of relevant sources regarding AAC usage and implementation.
Of note, while these tasks can be implemented with any language software, they were designed based on the orientation of TD Snap - Aphasia.
Adult patients with aphasia can benefit from the use of a speech generating device! You just have to know where to start. Look no further! This pack is designed to assist therapists, family members, and caregivers with implementing use of AAC through the lens of the Life Participation Approach to Aphasia. Tasks are structured in a way to target all aspects of a robust communication systems: keyboard use, access to core and fringe vocabulary, prestored phrases, and more. You will receive:
The Communication Profile - to aid in customization of the patient’s device.
5 structured therapy tasks targeting self-advocacy and requesting.
A keyboarding workshop to work on spontaneous word generation.
6 structured therapy tasks targeting location and navigation of fringe vocabulary.
6 real world scenarios to practice functional communication (ordering food, doctor’s appointment, etc.)
5 Mad Libs to target generalization of skills and lead to independent navigation.
6 low-tech communication boards.
A list of relevant sources regarding AAC usage and implementation.
Of note, while these tasks can be implemented with any language software, they were designed based on the orientation of TD Snap - Aphasia.
Adult patients with aphasia can benefit from the use of a speech generating device! You just have to know where to start. Look no further! This pack is designed to assist therapists, family members, and caregivers with implementing use of AAC through the lens of the Life Participation Approach to Aphasia. Tasks are structured in a way to target all aspects of a robust communication systems: keyboard use, access to core and fringe vocabulary, prestored phrases, and more. You will receive:
The Communication Profile - to aid in customization of the patient’s device.
5 structured therapy tasks targeting self-advocacy and requesting.
A keyboarding workshop to work on spontaneous word generation.
6 structured therapy tasks targeting location and navigation of fringe vocabulary.
6 real world scenarios to practice functional communication (ordering food, doctor’s appointment, etc.)
5 Mad Libs to target generalization of skills and lead to independent navigation.
6 low-tech communication boards.
A list of relevant sources regarding AAC usage and implementation.
Of note, while these tasks can be implemented with any language software, they were designed based on the orientation of TD Snap - Aphasia.